The Profitable Approach to Content Creation for Practitioners
I was chatting with a practitioner about writing content for his blog. Like most people, he wanted to know the secret to creating “viral, content,” that one post that captures lots of attention, bringing him lots of new subscribers and readers. He then said something fascinating; “Pop songwriters have it easy. They just have to... Read More

How To Change Minds and Transform Lives, With Your Next Post
Imagine you were featured on the main TED stage with your most important work reaching millions? While waiting for that TED invite, maybe you’ve published an article (or a book) that failed to attract the attention you thought it deserved. If you have a passion for nurturing and sharing your Big Ideas, and you want... Read More

Writing from the Beginner’s Mind: What we can Learn from Dr. Wayne Dyer
Consider this quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer’s classic first book, first published in 1976: “There is only one moment in which you can experience anything, and that is now, yet a great deal of time is thrown away by dwelling on past or future experiences. Turning your now into total fulfillment is the touchstone of effective... Read More

What Bob Dylan Can Teach You About Writing in Your Own Voice
Now that Bob Dylan’s received the 2016 Nobel Prize in Literature who better to teach us about writing? Why Mr. Dylan? Consider the following: All the official how-to-write-online blogs tell you to write in a voice that’s authentically yours – while also being utterly unique and completely captivating – if you have any hope of... Read More

How and When To Blog About Yourself
How often do you talk about yourself when writing for your site? I ask because we’re getting mixed messages out there. First, you’re told; “Don’t talk about yourself, focus primarily on the needs of your readers and what’s on their minds.” Then you hear; “You need to tell your story, share more about yourself and... Read More

How to Write More Content, More Often
For those of us doing business online, we basically write for a living. Whether you’re writing blog posts, articles and guest blogs, product blurbs, or sales pages; the more high-quality, relevant content you generate, the more you get paid – directly, or indirectly over time. There’s stuff I wrote for sites years ago that continues... Read More

The #1 Reason Leveraged Income Eludes Most Doctors
Most practitioners exchange their hours for income. And it can be easy to fall into the artificially limited choice of either working more hours – or charging more for those hours – to increase your income. You’ve seen other doctors create additional streams of income — from stocking a line of supplements in the office to creating and selling a product of... Read More

Why Your Online Reputation Matters
Online Reputation? Boy, am I glad I wasn’t raised in the social media era. Kids today expose so much of their personal data and personal information on social media sites, that Google’s CEO recently suggested that they might have to change their names when they reach adulthood “to separate themselves from the Google record of... Read More

How Long Does it Take to Succeed Online?
Every new site owner wants to know two things: How long before I begin seeing a return on my investment in my online business? What things should I focus on first to guarantee the quickest returns? If you’ve found your voice and niche audience, how fast you grow depends on how quickly you do two... Read More

Is Advertising in Search Engines Right For Your Site?
You may want to inject your site with a quick source of traffic by advertising in the search engines. This may be an option for you, but only if your site can meet three important requirements that make this a worthwhile investment. 1) You already know the search terms people are using to look for... Read More

Why No One’s Reading your Site – and What You Can Do About it.
I have a confession to make: I don’t Read websites, blogs, or articles. And I’d bet that 90% of the people who visit websites and even those who subscribe to blogs don’t “Read” them, either. What’s more, even though I generate lots of content for our sites and for our clients: I am not a... Read More

What’s Your Content Mindset?
There’s one benefit to being around long enough to have learned the basics of marketing pre-Internet. “Back then” we had mailing lists and subscription newsletters. Yet the principles that worked then are the same principles that work now, online. Now, we watch as the “smart kids” attempt to game the system and cut corners, and... Read More