How To Change Minds and Transform Lives, With Your Next Post
Imagine you were featured on the main TED stage with your most important work reaching millions? While waiting for that TED invite, maybe you’ve published an article (or a book) that failed to attract the attention you thought it deserved. If you have a passion for nurturing and sharing your Big Ideas, and you want... Read More

3 Website Marketing Insights I Learned From a Street Kid
Not long ago I found myself in a downtown new to me, wandering the early morning streets looking for the nearest Starbucks. After taking a shortcut through a park tunnel, I emerged to find myself looking up a short flight of stairs with a street busker seated at the top, softly strumming his guitar. I... Read More

Marketing for the Aligned Doctor: How to Avoid Burning Your Reputation
Values-Based Marketing and the Aligned Doctor You know that the relationship between doctor and patient is one of the most personal, intentional, and intimate professional relationships that can exist in today’s increasingly impersonal, disconnected world. And every single touch-point of your messaging and marketing must reflect this relationship of trust: with the articles and... Read More

5 Ways to Attract Your Ideal Subscribers
Karla had a nice site getting very little traffic or attention. She had posted regularly and done a lot of things right. And then one day, one of the posts she submitted as a guest post landed on a huge site. Her post was so good, within a week she was being shared by hundreds... Read More

Get Small to Get Big Word of Mouth
Wouldn’t it be great if your blog posts or videos spread like wildfire through social networks? How do you get word-of-mouth like that? Or, let’s say you’ve written a great guest post on a popular doctor’s high-profile site, or you’re interviewed on her podcast. Overnight, thousands of new people discover your website. Would your site... Read More

The #1 Reason Leveraged Income Eludes Most Doctors
Most practitioners exchange their hours for income. And it can be easy to fall into the artificially limited choice of either working more hours – or charging more for those hours – to increase your income. You’ve seen other doctors create additional streams of income — from stocking a line of supplements in the office to creating and selling a product of... Read More

Three Ways to Kill Your Email List
Or keep it happy, thriving, and responsive. If you’re a solopreneur or service professional with a website, you know you need to build an email subscriber list to grow a stable, long-term business. We have clients who are just starting their lists, and others who have lists numbering in the thousands. It doesn’t matter where... Read More

What a Four-year-old Can Teach us About Drawing a Crowd Online
One Saturday morning I was listening to a local radio guy chat with his four-year old son. “Tell the people a little about yourself,” he gently prodded his son. The boy proceeded to list off a series of things he liked: “Ummm, I like Thomas the Tank Engine, and my teacher at school, and summer... Read More

The Thelma and Louise Guide to Internet Marketing Success
Or, how to avoid driving your business off a cliff. Poor, sweet, Thelma. Little did she know that when she climbed into Louise’s 1966 Thunderbird that her road-trip companion was destined to drive that car straight off a cliff. If only Thelma would have avoided that fated ’66 Thunderbird. Just goes to show you: It’s... Read More

Make it Easy for People to Buy From You
Are you losing 80% or more of your potential buyers? Site owners invest a lot in bringing people to their site, and even the best sales message will only persuade a small percentage of those who visit your site to buy immediately. What about the rest? Why do people buy? The real reason anyone buys... Read More

How Long Does it Take to Succeed Online?
Every new site owner wants to know two things: How long before I begin seeing a return on my investment in my online business? What things should I focus on first to guarantee the quickest returns? If you’ve found your voice and niche audience, how fast you grow depends on how quickly you do two... Read More

How Your Unique Voice Can Attract a Crowd
There are lots of opinions out there on choosing your niche, and it’s precisely where most health practitioners get stuck in building an online business. And the experts are all over the map on this one. Let’s say you’re a Functional Medicine practitioner opening a new practice, and you want to build a new site. If... Read More