
  1. Hello Keith,
    Until now, I remained unconvinced that I needed a “blog.” I understood the need for a web site, but now I understand how the content piece you write about on this site connects to the rest of the “blogosphere.” And you make it sound like I could actually do this. I’m pretty good at “networking” professionally, but that kind of networking online just never made sense — it really does now!
    Now, to get a blog . . .
    Thank you,

    • Hi Iala,
      I’m happy to hear the post was useful to you.
      And, you don’t have to wait to get a blog to get started with your online “networking.”
      You know the general direction in which you want to head: Find blogs and a forum where other people share similar goals to yours, and begin to get known.
      But it looks like you already know that — we know you here at TransformNation.
      And, when you’re ready to build that blog, we’re here to help you take those all-important first steps.

      Thanks for your input!


      • I am assuming you mean join forums where I can ask lots of questions! I have a ways to go before I could answer any!
        Thanks for your encouragement! This is exciting…

  2. I clicked on the link you provided and looked at a lot of those sites that “are top 40.” A lot of touchy-feely stuff on that list, but what really stood out to me was how many of those people he chose were because he either met them at a blogging event, or “they just started popping up” on his radar through guest blogs and stuff.
    Anyway, my long way of saying, you really nailed it with this post: this is the new “networking,” and you really explained it nicely. A friend told me about your site, will explore more.

    • Gregory,
      Welcome, thanks for reading and adding to the discussion.
      You put it nicely; I like this “new networking,” because it’s based on an exchange of value. You build a relationship of trust and authority with others based on the value you provide. I prefer that.

  3. Hi Keith,
    I don’t have an online business yet, or a web site; and yet I’ve been writing articles for a few sites for over a year now, and developing a nice email relationship with some of the readers of those sites. I was even asked to speak at a conference (couldn’t go.) At one of the “online business” workshops I went to last year, one of the gentlemen there heard this and blew a gasket – he told me I was completely wasting my time without a web site to point those readers to.
    So, I’d say your image at the top of this web page is appropriate: You just put the puzzle pieces together for me: It’s OK to continue to write, because it’s about the relationships! Inherently, I knew this sounded correct, thanks so much for putting it together.
    Like Iala said, now I really am looking forward to getting a web site to further develop those relationships.
    Thanks, again!

    • Hi Mark,
      I’m happy to hear you didn’t listen to that guy at the workshop, there’s a lot of mis-information out there. It sounds like you’re already building a considerable “content asset” out there on the web, and that you have the skills to actively participate in the content stream. You you can demonstrate the key that so many people miss when it comes to this topic: In the near future after you launch your own site, you’ll add your URL to the bottom of that next article of yours – and those people who know you will click through, probably in greater numbers than would have if you were a first time author on those sites.
      It is about the relationships, indeed.
      Thanks for sharing your story.

      • Keith,
        Yeah, that comment about “wasting” all that writing really threw me, I’ll admit.
        Who knew, I was guest blogging all along!
        Thanks for the encouragement,

  4. Hi Keith,

    This is a good article, but I will point out that it’s not new news. People are often surprised when I tell them that I got book contracts mostly because I participated in CompuServe forums and wrote articles online. (Yes, *CompuServe*…which tells you how long ago it was!)

    These tactics have worked for a long time now. Tis tried and true stuff 😉

    ~ Susan

    • Susan, What you point is is true, indeed.
      Sonia over there at Copyblogger inspired me when she pointed out that at any given time, 80% of their readers are beginners, so they prefer 80% of the content they publish be basics aimed at that audience.
      So, I looked at our blogging calendar and realized that I was focusing an increasing number of future articles on more advanced stuff… I”m trying to throw a few posts for newbies into the mix.
      And I’m glad our more advanced readers stick around…
      (My word, Compuserve — That does bring back some memories….. )

      • Actually, it was cool. I still have online buddies that I met in 1995 on the CS forums. The Internet was a smaller place then.

        Another thing people don’t think about is that articles you wrote YEARS ago can still help people. Almost every day, I get thank you emails via our contact forms for articles I wrote as much as 10-12 years ago. Or even better, an email like this one that I got last week:

        >>Great article and the book links actually led me to purchase your book from Very helpful for me to see how you packaged the product and promoted it online.<<

        Online content works 😉

        • Susan, I *love* hearing stories like that!
          You really demonstrate the phrase I’m overusing lately: “Content Assets.” Good content really is money in the bank – its value can build exponentially, and you really prove that.

          • Ooh, I like “content assets.” Very cool. Actually we just put all our content assets front and center on the home page of our corporate site, since so few people have any idea exactly how MUCH content we have. Now they know 😉

          • I’m very happy to hear that people can now appreciate what search engines have been enjoying for so long . . . 😉

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