How Superstar Health Practitioners Chose Their Niche and 3 Ways to Find Yours
Do you ever wonder if you’ve chosen the right niche? Or, are you struggling with even finding your niche in the first place? Choosing a niche is probably the single most common struggle for both my clients and students over the years. Take the following conversation, for example. I’ve had one very much like this with practitioners hundreds of times... Read More

On Purpose and Passion
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. -Howard Thurman Do your projects suffer from stops and starts? Do you start something with big hopes – only to have it fizzle as you lose confidence or... Read More

The Art of Entrepreneurship
Which artist would you say has influenced you most? Is it a painter, writer, musician? I was one of those kids who bought a lot of records in high school. Singer-songwriters were my artists. And I was just sure that songwriters like Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell were writing lyrics just for me. Along with... Read More

The Thelma and Louise Guide to Internet Marketing Success
Or, how to avoid driving your business off a cliff. Poor, sweet, Thelma. Little did she know that when she climbed into Louise’s 1966 Thunderbird that her road-trip companion was destined to drive that car straight off a cliff. If only Thelma would have avoided that fated ’66 Thunderbird. Just goes to show you: It’s... Read More

How Your Unique Voice Can Attract a Crowd
There are lots of opinions out there on choosing your niche, and it’s precisely where most health practitioners get stuck in building an online business. And the experts are all over the map on this one. Let’s say you’re a Functional Medicine practitioner opening a new practice, and you want to build a new site. If... Read More

The Warm and Fuzzy Guide to Creating a Product that Sells
Have you ever poured your heart and soul into an information product only to have the marketplace ignore it? Consider this email I received from a former client: Our first product is still selling well, and we recently completed our second product. We’ve poured our heart and soul into this and even recorded eight videos.... Read More

It’s a Small World, After All – Selling Globally Gets Personal
In Official Marketing School, one was taught about Mass Marketing. And for decades, marketers have diligently papered every square inch of the visible world with ads. The plan wasn’t only to saturate, but to also constantly repeat those messages, in the hopes a brand message would somehow filter through the noise and make its way... Read More